Metatron Pulses at the Olympics! Cabal's Last Gasps!

5 months ago

Dave Emery explains the meaning and origins of the metatronic pulses at the 2024 Olympics and their effect on Earth's grid. A 'pulse' is (in this context) a sound-beam if you like of specific frequency INTO the electro-magnetic grid network of Earth - a grid network that runs also through every particle of OUR physical bodies because our frequencies are 'keyed' into those of Earth. This sound-pulse (like a light beam or standing wave of oscillating light) is entered into these grids with a regular 'beat' and at various times can be increased in power and frequency. You know this - there are many sound-pulses passing through the frequency-fields everywhere. However it's the 'metatronic' word that causes confusion sometimes. This is the term given to specific and deliberately engineered (created) energetic pulses designed to inhibit or disrupt or distort the particle-base of targeted areas and living beings. This is a fact and the name itself is taken from the pre-ancient (billions of years old) interstellar beings who first created these specific energy-mechanisms so that whole planets and even galaxies could be changed in their frequency-field resonance and therefore be controlled. So the Metatronic pulse-mechanisms beneath Paris, and many other parts of the world, have been entered deep below those areas for purposes NOT entirely conducive to the health and mental order of the life-fields on this planet. It has been that way - for a long time. Many electro-tonal mechanisms have been created on Earth by our scientists such as HAARP and DEW and 5G - all of these CAN be shifted to operate in a NON-benign way IF the engineers chose to do that. The real question should be - DO they? And if so - why? It is ONLY when we begin to ask such questions that we can close in on the truths that REALLY matter.

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