Antichrist 45: WARNING! - Psyop Trumps 100 Days to Chaos Coming! [Jul 28, 2024]

6 months ago

Note: My shared Reptile Satanist Kamala Devi(l) Harris videos, Showing 8 of 8 matches:

MrE: Reptile Satanist Kamala Devi(l) Harris is also a Fucking (M2F) MAN! [26.07.2024]

The Satanic Reptile MAN Kamala Harris in Plain Sight! [23.03.2023]

Another Satanic Reptile Spotted - Kamala Harris! [19.02.2023]
There is now just 100 days between us and the November election, but there's one thing we can know for sure today.

Trump will NEVER concede should he lose.

He and his supporters will only consider it a fair election IF he wins.

Chaos is coming.

Ordo Ab Chao = Order out of Chaos!

"By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War!" - Motto of Israeli intelligence service MOSSAD!

It's All Political Theatre Acted Out By Satanic Pedophile Freemasonic Luciferians Designed To Divide And Conquer Us!

Doublespeak! All Politicians are Fucking LIARS! Are you Fucking 'Offended'?

Wake the Fuck up people.... Democracy and 'Debate' is an illusion...

The right and left wings are two sides of the same coin!

Everything is Fucking 'Planned' and a Fucking 'Show' for the brainwashed Masses...

Are You Fucking Entertained Now?

Antichrist 45 | Brother Paul's channel
38.2K subscribers
608 views Jul 28, 2024

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