Ephesians 2:1-10 "Before/After" 6/30/24

5 months ago

Paul is writing to believers in Ephesus, believers who have a strong faith and love for one another.
They are new creations in Christ, so why bring up their past condition in these first three verses of chapter two?
Remember Paul’s prayer for them, that they would:
1. Know God more intimately.
2. Know the hope and riches of their calling.
3. Know the power of Him who raised Jesus from the dead.
Knowing who God is, the riches of our calling, and the power of salvation involves knowing our condition before we were saved.
Or, to say it another way, to know what we have been saved from.
Knowing our condition before our salvation can help us to realize the depth of God’s great love for us.
Knowing we were once children of wrath destined to experience God's wrath helps us realize the riches and blessings we have in the heavenly places.
Knowing that we were powerless to change our eternal destiny on our own helps us realize the power of our salvation.

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