Ephesians 2:11-13 "Brought Near" 7/7/2024

2 months ago

Paul uses two words that we need to take note of, “therefore” and “remember.”
The word, therefore, in Scripture makes us ask, “What is it there for?’
And the word remember, well, that tells us there is something we need to be reminded of.
Used together, they signify that Paul wants us to remember something he has already stated in chapters 1 and 2.
So, let's look back…and dig into what he wants us to remember.
Paul reminds the saints in Ephesus and today's saints of who we are in Christ.
I say today’s saints because the word is for all generations of saints.
Paul wrote:
For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. (Romans 15:4 ESV)
What was written to the Ephesians was written for us to give us hope.
Hope knowing that we are no longer of this world because we have been adopted, forgiven, and redeemed.
We are heirs to heaven, blessed by the riches of His grace, made alive together with Jesus, and seated in the heavenly places with Him.
We are God’s workmanship on display for all eternity.
So, we are called to remember who we were without Christ and who we are in Christ.
We are called to remember what we have been saved from.

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