Tori Trades Spills Secrets to Winning the Market - Futures Trader Victoria Duke - ECS EP34

7 months ago

Victoria Duke, known as Tori Trades to her more than half a million followers, is a futures trader who has been trading the market for 9 years. She has amassed a following of over half million people on her YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter profiles where she teaches others the techniques, tricks, and psychology behind futures trading.

Victoria learned how to trade from her uncle, a successful day trader, and has been at it ever since he took her under his wing 9 years ago. Ed and Victoria sit down in Episode 34 of The Ed Clay Show to talk about futures trading, the mindset of a trader, and how the ebbs and flows of the charts can teach us valuable psychological lessons about ourselves.

Listeners will gain insight into the psychological tricks used by successful traders to master self control, how learning to trade can open up financial opportunities, and what it takes for someone to become profitable trading.

Enjoy Futures Trader Victoria Duke on Episode 34 of The Ed Clay Show!

#futurestrading #futurestrader #toritrades

Links for Victoria:

Show Sponsors:

00:00:00 - Learning How to Trade Futures From Her Uncle
00:12:00 - Becoming Profitable Trading Futures, Recent Trading Results
00:19:49 - What is Futures Trading?
00:28:24 - Is College A Waste?
00:36:05 - Long Term Goals with Trading, Psychology
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