Episode 26 | Building Confidence in Youth: Self-Esteem and Tech Impact with Margo Jordan

7 months ago

Margo Jordan, CEO and founder of Enrichly, discusses her journey as a social entrepreneur and the importance of improving self-esteem in youth. She shares her personal experiences with low self-esteem and how joining the military helped her develop self-discipline and boost her self-esteem. Margo explains how she transitioned from investment banking to founding Chicks with Class, a self-esteem learning center for girls, and eventually pivoted to Enrichly, a personal development gaming platform. She emphasizes the difference between self-esteem and confidence and the impact of technology, particularly social media, on self-esteem. Margo also highlights the success stories and positive impact of Enrichly in improving self-esteem in students. She provides advice for parents on building their child's self-esteem and discusses the challenges of scaling a startup and the importance of networking.

- Joining the military helped Margo Jordan develop self-discipline and boost her self-esteem.
- Technology, particularly social media, can have a negative impact on self-esteem, especially for young girls.
- Enrichly has seen a statistically significant improvement in self-esteem in students who participate in their program.
- Parents can build their child's self-esteem by celebrating their efforts, teaching healthy boundaries, and encouraging healthy habits.
- Scaling a startup requires underestimating expenses, documenting processes and systems, and having the right people on the team.
- Networking is crucial for startup founders and can help with funding, partnerships, and support.

Sound Bites
"I grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. And when I was a young girl, I struggled with my self-esteem."
"We use that from day one. That was really a way for us to deliver these pre and post self-esteem assessments."
"Instagram is a huge downer when it comes to lowering self-esteem because it's all based on getting external validation."


00:41 Introduction of Margo Jordan and her background

05:42 The impact of the military on self-esteem

07:00 Using technology and data to improve self-esteem

11:32 The negative impact of social media on self-esteem

14:05 Success stories and impact of Enrichly

19:50 Building your child's self-esteem: advice for parents

24:35 Measuring growth in self-esteem

26:48 Inspiring children and improving self-esteem in communities

30:35 Challenges of scaling a startup

34:20 The importance of networking for startup founders

About Margo
Margo is an award-winning and venture-backed serial social entrepreneur, is transforming personal development with her platform, Enrichly. A former U.S. Army veteran and honors graduate in Finance and MBA, she has impacted over 20,000 children globally. Her innovative work includes self-esteem-based solutions and international expansion. Recognized by Google, Amazon Prime, and others, Margo is pioneering 'PD Tech' to enhance self-esteem worldwide.

Connect with Margo
LinkedIn: [@margo-jordan]
Instagram: [@margopjordan]

Website: [enrichly.world]
Instagram: [@enrich.ly]

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