Episode 191, "Goliath"

7 months ago

-Andrew For America opens with a clip from Bret Weinstein on the Tucker Carlson show where he calls the people that are in control of the world "goliath." Andrew relates this term to the famous phrase by George Carlin discussing the same group of people by calling them "the big club." Andrew also talks about the "show" and the "reality," how the mainstream media manipulates information, how the government is failing, the two-party system facade, how "goliath" showed its hand and revealed its true intentions for all of us during the Covid-19 pandemic, the opening ceremonies of the Olympic games, how the United States government is a corporation, why the people should want a Constitutional Republic and what it takes to sustain one, AI and behavioral forecasting, feminism, and more! Andrew plays clips from Shawn Ryan, Lennie Boy and Matt Attack on Instagram, David Icke, and reads a recent post from RFK jr. on the creation of bird flu vaccines.

-The song selection is the song, "Prevail" by the band Unwanted Noise.

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