Post Tribulation Rapture Sermon from apostasywatch

6 months ago

Revelation 7 .14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. (KJV)

when they come "out" of the great Tribulation as Revelation7.14 (quoted above) says, then they could not have been raptured before that great Tribulation. the people mentioned in that Vers 14 is identified as the "great multitude" in Vers 9 (same Chapter).

there is an idea of another gospel refering to Romans 11 that "all Israel shall be saved" (Vers 26) after the Church is raptured pre Tribulation, but when there is no pre Tribulation rapture of the Church of Christ, then the fleshly descendants of Abraham (alleged "Israel") can not be saved after the Church of Christ is raptured pre Tribulation. in that sense the Post Tribulation Rapture Doctrine of the Bible falsifies the other Gospel for the fleshly descendants of Isaac / Jacob that is for some time after the pre Tribulation rapture of the Church of Christ. the time to be baptized into Christ is today, NOT some time later after rapture.

Sermon "Who is Israel ?" by apostasywatch:

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