MR. NON-PC: Stop Being Nice, And Start Being Real!

4 months ago

Can some of you remember MTV's original "The Real World" show? I'm talking the 1990's like o-r-i-g-i-n-a-l first and second seasons of the show. And if you do remember the show, then of course you remember the tagline:

"This is the true story...of seven strangers... picked to live in a house... (work together) and have their lives find out what happens... when people stop being polite...and start getting real..."

Well I think it's about time that the average person starts taking the final part of the tagline and instead we need to stop being nice...and start being real!!

We live in the MopeyWorld where the satanic U.S Government is constantly blaming the average white person for the majority of black and illegal ultra-violence. And then the Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting / White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media only further fuels the rage and lunacy by continuing the lies, and running cover for all the black and illegal ultra-violence.

The average PC-PEEP/Normie/Steeple (especially if they're white and weak) MUST realize and wake up to the constant hatred, lies and false reality that is being foisted upon them. They need to STOP BEING NICE....AND START BEING REAL!

Being NON-PC is the solution to the majority of this PC-POOP laden MopeyWorld that we're expected to accept.

If you're already in this mindset then I don't need to tell you again, you get it.

But it's long past time to let these fools realize that they're gonna get what they give!

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