U.S. Transhumanist Party Virtual Enlightenment Salon with Benjamin Rosman on the Future of Work

7 months ago

On Sunday, July 21, 2024, the U.S. Transhumanist Party streamed its conversation with Dr. Benjamin Rosman of the University of the Witwatersrand and Singularity University South Africa, who provided a thorough discussion of the future of work in a world of rapid automation.

This discussion was originally streamed during the U.S. Transhumanist Party Virtual Enlightenment Salon of August 23, 2020. It is being shared now as a standalone segment, given the importance of the implications of automation and artificial intelligence and their rapid advancements, many of which were specifically anticipated by Dr. Rosman in his comments from nearly four years prior.

Find out about Dr. Benjamin Rosman at https://www.benjaminrosman.com/ and https://su.org/about/faculty/benji-rosman/


“The Pandemic Adds to Worries about Jobs Sustainability” by Stephen DeAngelis - October 8, 2020 - https://enterrasolutions.com/the-pandemic-adds-to-worries-about-jobs-sustainability/

“The inevitable rise of automation, the case against ‘jobs’, and what to do about it” – Article by Benjamin Rosman and Peter Xing – July 24, 2020 – https://medium.com/@benjros/why-working-for-a-living-is-immoral-b2bd955f55a4

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#USTranshumanistParty #VirtualEnlightenmentSalon #Automation #ArtificialIntelligence #AIEthics #TechnologicalUnemployment #AutonomousVehicles #FutureOfWork #EconomicSingularity #USTP

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