How tom Build the 2-in-1 Mook Jong

7 months ago

How to Build the 2-in-1 Mook Jong
An Unique Martial Arts DIY
By Jack R Giangiulio
This video introduces the 2-in-1 Mook Jong. Every martial artist dreams of owning a Mook Jong, but these devices are too expensive and impractical to have at home. This is an unique 2-in-1 concept twist fits the old, ancient bulky, clanky, non-mobile, space occupying Mook Jong into our modern spaces without losing any of its functionality. The only problem is, you can't buy it - you must make it.

This book provides instructions with colored photos on how to build the 2-in1 Mook Jong. Now, you too, can finally own the holy grail of martial arts training devices. This book makes a perfect gift for the Do-It-Yourselfer martial artist in your life. It's available as Paperback or E-Pub. Go to the link for buying information:

#kungfu, #jeetkunedo, #jkd, #wingchun, #martialartstraining, #martialarts

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