365lb Binge Eater To Bodybuilder | BRAND NEW ME

7 months ago

CHANTELLE Sisco, 21, from Brisbane, weighed 356lbs at her heaviest and was a self confessed 'binge eater' - but with the help of her mum, she has lost a total of 160lbs. Chantelle had incredibly low self esteem and was unable to do the smallest of tasks. When she felt bad about herself she turned to the only comfort that made her feel better... Food. Chantelle told Truly: "Whenever I felt down, food was my option. I would binge and eat until I felt sick. Junk food and takeaways were my best friend." Over the years of binge eating, Chantelle put on more and more weight until she reached her heaviest of 356lbs. Chantelle's health took a turn for the worse as she was unable to walk short distances without an inhaler, play with her young son and with the fear of diabetes looming, things only got worse for her confidence. However, during a baby shower, a photo was taken of Chantelle that shocked her to the core. Chantelle said: "I just looked at that photo and it was just shocking, I couldn't believe that I looked like that. That was the moment I knew I had to start this journey." Desperate for help, Chantelle turned to her fitness instructor mum Rhoeda, and got to work. With the tough love and stern coaching of Rhoeda, Chantelle lost an incredible 160lbs. Chantelle added: "I feel amazing about myself now, I feel confident, I feel happy and I'm loving my life!"

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