Bishop Barron on the Paris Olympic Apology - バロン司教は、パリオリンピックの謝罪はキリスト教徒をなだめるものではないと述べています。

6 months ago

Bishop Barron on the Paris Olympic Apology

Here are some observations.
If the organisers decided to mock Islam, what do you think would happen to France?
Yet the Paris Olympic organisers decided to mock Christianity. It is clear that mockery was the purpose of the organisers.
The world needs a sincere apology that reassures everyone this kind of insulting stage show is never repeated again. The world needs a sincere apology especially an apology to the Christian populations of the world. The International Olympic Committee must make an apology and give assurances that this type of behavior never happens again.
The IOC mission statement (article 6 and article 11) was violated. The IOC must assure the world that article 6 and article 11 of the mission statement will be respected in the future. The world needs clarification that future Olympics will not allow this type of insulting opening ceremony to happen again.


世界は、このような侮辱的なステージショーが二度と繰り返されないよう、皆を安心させる誠実な謝罪を必要としています。 特に世界中のキリスト教徒に対する謝罪が必要です。国際オリンピック委員会は謝罪し、このような行為が二度と起こらないことを保証しなければなりません。

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