(2019) Catia commune: "Everything produced here goes to the community”

7 months ago

In Catia, western Caracas, a barrio of over 1 million people, mainly supporters of Chavez and and now overwhelmingly of President Maduro.

In the 1980s, people living here weren't even on the map of public planning agency, so they didn't get any public services, no water, no electricity, no medical services.

That changed under Chavez.

Poverty is still a major issue in Venezuela, prime factors being the US long economic war, and sanctions, against the country, but also the practises of opposition supporting suppliers, jacked up food prices, hyperinflation.

Visiting the Fabricio Ojeda commune, I met Venezuelans enthusiastically talking about their rabbit breeding project aimed at enabling households to be self-sufficient in affordable proteins as well as cash, and their array of outdoor beds and plastic roofed greenhouses.

In 2016, they produced 17 tons, sold in the community at between 30-50% lower than average market price.

A spokesperson of the commune explained:

“This was built in 2011. Everything produced here goes to the community. So far this year, we've already produced 2 tons of food, in spite of some difficulties..."

Another spokesperson:
"All this is thanks to the local commune. We're trying to achieve self sustainability of this produce, for the community. This is what we're doing against the economic war.”

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