ALASKA STATE TROOPERS PALMER They just can't follow the law or do their job...😡

5 months ago

Meredith the Record custodian Doesn't like to do her job correctly. These people will make every excuse possible So they don't have to do their job they want you to go online and Fill out an applocation for public records RESEARCH Form which has nothing to do with public record requests. In Alaska not everybody has access to Internet or computer's they say go to the library some people do not have access to a library without having to drive several hours away If not more when they can go to the local trooper station and pick up a form or have them do it orally why are we paying these people if they DON'T / CAN'T do their job.


AS 40.21.010. Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the orderly management of current state and local public records and to preserve noncurrent public records of permanent value for study and research.

Alaska State Troopers
Trooper Dispatch Non-Emergency Contact Information

Post Location Phone Number Fax Number Mailing Address Zip
Anchorage / Headquarters (907) 269-5511 (907) 337-2059 5700 E Tudor Road 99507

Contact Us: Palmer (907) 745-2131 (907) 746-2338 453 South Valley Way 99645

State of Alaska Department of Public Safety
5700 East Tudor Road
Anchorage, AK 99507
Phone: (907) 269-5511


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