Elon Musk on how earth can sustain 10 times the population we have today

7 months ago

Elon Musk: "How many humans can earth sustain without what most people consider to be significant environmental damage. If you actually do the numbers I think it's potentially 10 times the population we have today. "
Jordan Peterson: "This is a very counter cultural proposition. Since the mid 1960s the moral proclamation has been that there are too many people on the planet. I think Paul Ehrlich was the ultimate exponent of that."
Elon Musk: "His analysis was very unscientific. He based it on some visit to Delhi I believe. Wrapped himself in science and produced nonsense. How much land area do we need to grow food? How much would that encroach on natural habitats. What's the actual food growing potential given. We are actually quite good at it, getting better. And is there enough water? Well there's plenty of water because Earth is mostly water at 70%...there's really not a shortage of water, there's not a shortage of surface area and energy to grow food."

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