Order of the Death's Head / Elitism - Antisémite / L'odeur des Déportés (Full Album) (2012)

7 months ago

Split from two French bands Order of the Death's Head and Elitism. This is the vinyl release from 2017 on Darker Than Black.

1. Order Of The Death's Head - Kill Khazars Kunts
2. Order Of The Death's Head - Sodomizer Sanhedrin
3. Order Of The Death's Head - Jewicide
4. Elitism - Blanc Holocauste (White Holocaust)
5. Elitism - Abattre Cette Déchéance (Demolish This Decaying Mess)
6. Elitism - En Réponse À L'infamie (In Response to Infamy)
7. Elitism - The Gate Of Nanna (Beherit Cover)

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