Was There a Suppressed Shot Fired From Window of Building Where Crooks Was?

7 months ago

This is probably nothing. There's likely a reasonable explanation for what appears to be a suppressed rifle shot coming from a window in the building where Thomas Michael Crooks attempted to assassinate President Donald. J. Trump.

But until that reasonable explanation presents itself, we'll consider the possibility it's a muzzle flash and suppressed report. The shot was taken just a few seconds after the initial eight rounds fired by Crooks.

Twitter user @RealDJstew724 posted it early Sunday, claiming to be the person who shot the footage. He then posted a full video on his YouTube channel which can be seen below.

First, here's the footage of the incident itself in real time, then .25 speed, then .10 speed.

Here's the original video on YouTube with the relevant moment at 5:05: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28lxF9LONGk

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