Sabbath Message Part B for 22/05/47/120 - 27/07/2024

7 months ago

Sabbath 22/05/47/120B

Dear Friends,

This is an email from the Treasurer of Uganda to the churches in Uganda and the region over the preparations for Tabernacles in 2024. It provides advice on the progress that Uganda is making regarding the provision of funds and the First Tithes given there under the Laws of God. It is far ahead of the activities of other African Churches and should serve as an example to all regarding the issue of Tithing (No. 161). As we have repeatedly said, failure to tithe is robbing God. Africa simply will not tithe on a systematic basis. Once the war starts, they will begin to suffer if they have not taken proper preparation and precautions.

From the New Moon Message you will see that the western nations that have continually propped up the work in Africa will be no longer able to even feed themselves from the chaos of the war coming upon us. All support for Africa will stop from all Western nations after commencement of the war, no matter what church you belong to and no matter how hard you beg. We have tried to warn you and tried to get you involved in projects and it seems that no one believed us or paid attention except Uganda and a few other church areas. We are now about to induct the Baptist COG in Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan with 19 churches in total. We will need funds and prayers for that effort. We will have reached the point of reinstating the Abyssinian Church of the Early Centuries from Sudan to Mozambique and beyond all over Africa.

From Uganda:

Hi, all

Below are CCG Uganda conference Feasts of tabernacles preparations requirements updates

CCG Uganda conference at present have raised $3217 USD to fund fencing wires to protect gardens for CCG members Congolese refugees.

Also CCG Uganda conference raised $2400 USD to fund two poultry projects for Congolese refugees in Kyagwali camp and $1800 USD to fund food and clothes to CCG members Congolese refugees in Kyagwali camp as total $4200 USD.

CCG Uganda conference raised $2600 USD to fund 3 poultry projects for CCG South Sudan refugees located in kiryandongo south Sudan refugees camp Bidi-Bidi camp and Nyumanzi Settlement camp in North Uganda and they need more assistance to fund fish farming, coconut farming and sewing machines I noted that they are required $5460 USD.

Feasts of tabernacles preparations

CCG Uganda conference raised $6200 USD funded to deal with evangelism materials as printing bible studies and inductions as CCG Uganda conference is in need $13400 USD and raised only it means we still need to raise $7200 USD to achieve CCG Uganda conference Feasts of tabernacles preparations requirements as printing facilities and inductions CCG Uganda conference must not have any problem to fund feasts of tabernacles preparations requirements but a lot of CCG members Congolese refugees are taking a lot of funds from us reason why we are in need of funds to funds feasts of tabernacles as CCG Congolese refugees always are urgently in need of relief food and projects.

Also CCG Uganda conference funded $3000 USD to purchase 3200 young trees of arabica coffee required by CCG members Congolese in Ituri province DRCongo arabica coffee young trees were sent to Mudimba Muhindo national advisor CCG DRCongo conference I noted they need more 6000 young trees of arabica coffee which requires $6000 USD also we have sent to CCG DRCongo 20 bottles of black inks to the them to print bible studies did cost CCG Uganda conference $800 and it means this month alone more $3800 USD spent by CCG Uganda conference to fund Missionary activities projects in DRCongo conference pray for them so their country may be stable and they can get more assistance for projects and evangelism materials soon.
Also CCG Uganda conference members this coming month of August will plant 7000 trees of arabica coffee young and our target is to plant 20000 young trees of arabica coffee in 2024 and 2025 years.

Keep us in prayers more assistance may be raised and achieve our plans well.

Yours in Christ Musiime Paulina
National treasure
CCG Uganda conference


There is much to do. As we have said, the time is almost over for preparation and the wars will start. If you have not prepared properly then shortly it will be too late and people in CCG will begin to die unnecessarily. As we said it is now a matter of your responsibility. We either tithe or we die. Many simply will not listen or help each other.

We can only advise and help you. Only you can make it happen. Fear God and honour Him by tithing and keeping His law.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General

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