Post-Racialism, The Fight for Freedom ep.1

7 months ago

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Looking Glass Forum presents:
The opening Podcast lecture that confronts the hard-hitting issues of racism, slavery, race-war and the Marxist furtherance of grievance victimology as the Modus Operandi of the Democratic political strategy, which introduces invective and division into the soul of America. Since the Civil War, Democratic party slave owners and Confederates have used every vile manner of assassination, violence and subterfuge to destroy the American Republic.
In this prologue we attempt to sort out the revisionist history and Mockingbird Media propaganda which imposes a deceptive critical indictment of America as if slavery was a social evil invented by America. This Communist rhetorical construct, far from being accurate, fails to tell the story of America's Protestant and Baptist Christian roots, which like the Quakers resists slavery in every aspect and forms the Abolitionist movement. The Roman papists and Democratic slave holders refused to grant human freedom in the famous 3/5s Compromise which would lead invariably to the Civil War. The attendees of the Congress of Vienna, the Holy Alliance and the crowned monarchs of Europe were glad to see the American experiment fall into controversy and war over the issue of slavery in a nation Constituted as an exemplar of human freedom and political liberty.
Today's naive and propagandized youth are lost in the labyrinth of pseudo-history and Leftist agitprop that inculcates Communist propaganda in the classroom at an early age, setting the stage for anti-American demoralization on the college campus.

-The lies are many but the truth is one
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First aired on: June 16, 2020

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