90 % of USA cheese is fake! ⚠️😱

6 months ago

Traditionally, cheese is made with just four ingredients, milk, salt, starter culture, and an animal rennet.

But in today’s industrial food supply, 90% of cheeses contains something called FPC, a genetically modified version of animal rennet made by Pfizer.

Here’s the catch. FPC rennet is labeled as GRAS, or Generally Recognized As Safe.

This creates a loophole that allows Pfizer to avoid labeling these products as FPC. as GMO are genetically modified.

FPCs contain biotoxins from the genetically modified hosts like mold or fungus that are being cultured and fermented in the lab.

As a result, a small amount of these toxins end up in the final cheese product, causing allergic reactions or digestive and respiratory issues.

People then think they can’t tolerate dairy.

So look for genetically modified rennets and get them out of your diet and share this with a friend who says they can’t tolerate cheese.

Educational Purposes Only..!

Know Who The Real Enemies Are, Corruption And Criminalization’s At Its Highest And Finest..


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