
2 months ago

People only believe what they're conditioned to believe. Whether it's through education, mass media, or popular culture, what we think is largely a result of what we've been exposed to. It's only when you can step completely back from these paradigms of influence that the true nature of our awful situation becomes clear.
Leftists believe that their ideal is the ONLY ideal. They think they are heroes, awakened to an enlightened world view that the rest of us are simply incapable of comprehending. In their minds, anyone seeking to obstruct them is either dangerously ignorant or a Fascist hellbent on sabotaging humanity's "natural progression" into their imaginary utopia. Therefore, any and all actions are justified on their part, because they believe they are fighting "evil." And, of course, Populists and Conservatives like you and I are the physical manifestations of that evil. We are the super-villains who must be destroyed at all costs in order for their Leftist fantasy world to become a reality.
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