Two propaganda media networks air within an hour- almost identical talking points.

6 months ago

Western Lensman | State-Media Coordination: The Kamala “People Powered” Campaign. “ORGANIC...This kind of enthusiasm can’t be manufactured!"

Two shows airing within hours of each other, on the left MSNBC, on the right, CNN. The talking points are near-identical.

The DNC-issued propaganda to combat the reality that Kamala’s new media-created image is entirely synthetic — and that she wasn’t installed via party coup, but by a “bottom up” movement — is ubiquitous.

They want you to believe that “grassroots" groups, all checking the requisite identity-politics boxes, are all independently rising up to power the Kamala campaign, and they were the force behind her selection as nominee.

The reality is that Kamala was installed by a coup led by Democrat elites, and her shiny-new image is a state-media fabrication.

All they do is lie.

“People powered.” That one comes directly from Kamala herself.


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