Satanic Olympics Prophecy

6 months ago

The 2024 Olympics conjured many foreboding sights during their opening day.
We'll discuss the symbolism of:
#1. The Pale horseman riding along the Seine River (Rev. 6:8). The 4th Horseman appears to be riding among us today. My guess is it opened in 2020 (3rd Seal opened in 2012).
#2. Showing a decapitated Marie Antoinette highlights a ritual sacrifice to Molech on October 16, 1793, which was during the time of the False Yom Kippur of Jeroboam's Cheshvan celebrations. Globalists are warning us to watch for greater 5th Seal persecutions (Rev. 6:9-11) to begin after November 11, 2024.
#3. Yeshua is our Passover Lamb. He died and resurrected.
The Antichrist will die and resurrect (Rev. 13:3) in a future year. Globalists are conjuring his arrival, death, and resurrection by invoking a dark Passover at the 2024 Olympics.
#4. The blue creature shown during the Olympics was a depiction of a Smurf, Dionysus, Azazel, Pan and Bacchanal. All of these creatures glorify the Satan in raucous revelry. Lev. 16 describes Azazel. His spirit within the Beast will be present (Rev. 11:7) during the end of days.
Let's analyze!

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