Opening Ceremony 2024 Olympics: Satan Worship, Drag Queens, & Testicles #BoycottTheOlympics

4 months ago

ATTENTION: I had to trim out almost two minutes of content from this video, which was the 7:08 minute mark to 7:55. I also had to trim out the section from 5:36 - 6:05 of the original video, as I'm not allowed to show you what they did at the Olympics. The parts I had to trim out were the lady with a beard and breasts strutting and the offensive Last Supper mockery with the obese lesbian playing Jesus Christ.

I had to trim out those aforementioned portions of the video, or else this video would not be seen, as the disgusting Olympics is copyright striking content creators, like me, who show their rotten video clips. I'm sure YouTube will shadow ban what remains of this video anyway, as Big Tech is in bed with these scumbags. So, please share this video to help me beat the algorithm. You'll have to do your own research to find the clips. You can find them at Man in America on

The opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics in Paris were blasphemous, disgusting, and offensive. The entire Olympics has been full of satanic imagery and satanists, such as Beyonce, Snoop, and Taylor Swift.

These drag queens who made a mockery of the Last Supper would never insult Mohammad because they know the Muslims would kill them. These transgenders mocking Christ take advantage of our love for freedom of expression, but it's long past time to put a stop to it.

That is why I am calling on all my friends to #BoycottTheOlympics.

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