The Master Teacher's Lesson Energy Vlog

6 months ago

The Master Teacher's Lesson Energy Vlog title is from the date July 28,2024 thus 33, the master number for the Master Teacher like Yeshua, Buddha and Krishna who taught Arjun in the vedic text. 33 also adds to #6 the Lovers card with a harmonious relationship, of balance and Intuition.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News showed us five amplitudes, the first a power of 29 @ 7:45 AM UTC thus the Tower creator is brought to Justice for the failure of the tower. The second amplitude power of 76 @ 9:05 AM UTC thus Temperance is needed when Death's transformation come into our life. The third amplitud power of 81 @ 10:00AM UTC thus the Hermit goes within to find inner wisdom on the Karmic change of the Wheel of Fortune. The fourth amplitude power of 40 @ 11:45 AM UTC thus Judgment comes to the Emperor Tyrant J Biden attempt to take down the USA. The Fifth amplitude power of 50 @ 4:15 thus # 10 The Wheel of fortune karmic Change becomes the Hierophant Spiritual Message. The quality power is Seven the Chariot with its call to take chafe and move swiftly toward your divine purpose.The frequency Average is 7.70 hertz thus Temperance card telling us to be balanced and healing in our approach to life. Therefore, we can say about it all: The Master Teachers give us a lesson on love for the Hermit who moves swiftly and surekly toward his divine purpose with temperance.

The Space Weather site showed us a solar wind density of seven protons per centimeter. The solar wind speed hit a whopping 450 kilometers per second. Teh solar wind Temperature is a broiling 100,000 kelvin. The KP index is calm all is in the green level with the highest a 2.75 thus 14 the Temperance card like the frequency.

I shared a clip from Michael Salla's week in review It contains a lot of topics including Kanaloa interview of jimmy Kimmel on ETs She will reveal nothing about UFO's.

We had two Oracle deck today the first form the starseed oracle was the Seven star Sisters card Birthing, CreatorsWeaving the Tapestry of life and self expression. The Sacred Spirit Oracle gave us the Between Worlds card,life's transition new directions it depicts the Sea Turtle who begins klifeo the land takes a peralous jo9urnty into the sea whaer with luck it grow large adn comes back to the beach to lay a new bath of eggs thus ikeeping the cycloe of life going.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather Site:
Michael Salloa's Week in Review on rumble:

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