Unprovoked Blowback - Article 51- History Repeats - Cold War - Iraq - Gaza

2 months ago

American children are still dumb enough to hide under their desk during state sponsored psychological conditioning. You see the same thing terrorizing people in the middle east with bogus air sirens, it's the same hoax. So is changing the meaning of words to do the linguistic dance around article 51 of the U.N. charter. Sanctions are in fact more deadly than bullets, throwing this new term out there "Unprovoked Blowback", an obvious oxymoron, sometimes it even includes people who actually believe the propaganda of their government, various cognitive issues leading to someone having that kind of dissonance to be some kind of oppressed oppressor, but thinking of it as an unprovoked victim. Just a small idea...... when reducing someone to a label, you might end up using the word "they" followed by "hate us" for XYZ reason. The reason doesn't matter, if you start using labels you have already lost. "they hate us for our freedom" really one of the dumbest slogans as time has proven, first off, what freedom, freedom to be taxed for social security that you will never get? The conservative grift does not make sense anymore. "the big lie", Iraq war was a complete hoax with no end goal, watching some of these old clips is downright creepy with the red scare-like conditioning. I am not interested in current events to make a documentary comparing the extra cognitive dissonance on how Americans do not apply the same logic to Ukraine that they do to Gaza, it's really getting insane. Thumbnail is a CFR article on their website. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-russias-invasion-ukraine-violates-international-law

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