Red Sauerkraut

6 months ago

It’s been 2 weeks since I started fermenting my red cabbage with garlic and onions and it is amazing! Yes, you can and should eat this raw! Add it to a burger or hot dog for a pop of flavor. Make an Asian style chicken taco and addd it on top. This is a great Kraut to use in different ways. There are no rules to how to ferment other than you need some salt and a little bit of time. Fermentations are great probiotic foods and help with gut health. (Especially after a surgery!) So my goal is to eat a lot of them this summer!!!

#selfsufficientliving #selfsufficiency #homesteading #homesteadersofohio #everybitcountschallenge #homesteadfoodie #guthealth #probioticfoods

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