What Cacklin' Kamala Really Thinks Of The 18-24 Youth Vote

7 months ago

Posted • July 28, 2024: Your Comprehensive Primer to Understanding the 'Kamala is BRAT' Movement 一 In an effort to make a historically unlikable candidate 'hip and cool', the young social media interns in the Kamala campaign are attempting to make her social media relevant, particularly on Tik Tok. You may hear them saying things like 'Kamala is BRAT'. So, BRAT started from a 'CharliXCX new release. That's a singer. She designed the album to have the ugliest lime green cover with really old school fonts that would offend modern day graphic artists. It's Microsoft Paint stuff. It's also very much for the girls. BRAT is a girl who likes to have fun and party, is mostly self confident but does some dumb things. If you are BRAT, you are also very bold and honest. Kamala is the opposite of that, but they are going to do their best to try and make her the cool, chill girl. So, if you see the lime green squares and the weird font, that person or business is trying to represent 'BRAT'.

Let's hope this dies out quickly. The way you use the term, for example, is: 'I'm having a BRAT summer', 'Kamala Harris is BRAT', etc. I miss the days when politicians were serious. I blame Bill Clinton for playing the saxophone on late night TV as the beginning of politicians attempting to be cool. Kamala's social media accounts participated in the lime green squares for a bit. -- NBC News shares graphic measuring how ‘Brat’ Kamala Harris is. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GTO9bX0X0AAnkDJ?format=jpg&name=large -- While Cacklin’ Kamala is taking to TikTok and trying to get the youth vote with this “brat” nonsense, somebody needs to remind the 18-24 voter block what Kamala truly thinks of them. “They are stupid!” -- Honestly, she may be right looking at their creation of 'BRAT.

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