Warship of Satan Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 28, 2024

7 months ago

Judy Note: For over thirty-four years I have been deeply involved here in Utah in the investigation of perpetrators of Satanic Crime who rape, torture and murder children in their worship of Satan.

· I have found Satan worshippers to be deeply engrained in the political, religious and legal system throughout the State, which makes it very difficult to bring them to justice.
· I greatly appreciate, honor and respect Kristy Allen (see #H below) and other SRA Survivors who are willing to make public their accounts of childhood torture and abuse in Satanic rites, usually done by those of their own families.
· From my over thirty-four year research with legal authorities, investigators, therapists and Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors themselves, I have come to believe that there were some Third Degree Masons who regularly performed child sacrifices in the Masonic Temple on South Temple Street.
· It was my opinion that this Masonic Temple on South Temple was until recently, connected by an underground tunnel to Temple Square in Salt Lake City.
· After hearing numerous Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor accounts, it appeared to me that perpetrators would take their drugged child victims through that tunnel to the basement of the Masonic Temple, where there was said to exist an exact replica of the Celestial Room of the Salt Lake Temple down the street.
· There perpetrators would dress up like prominent people in Utah, including using professional masks and makeup which would make them resemble General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
· From testimonies of survivors we learn that such sick perpetrators would perform pedophile parties that culminated with the Satanic rite of child sacrifice on an alter resembling that one present in the Salt Lake Temple.
· The children would then be forced to live the rest of their lives under the very sophisticated CIA Mind Control of their Satanic perpetrators.
· Some proof of this vile practice could be found in the 1990 Elder Glen Pace memo to President Ezra Taft Benson on Satanic Ritual Abuse within the LDS Church. REVELATIONS | Mormon Satanic Ritual Abuse Document–1990 : Superboy : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

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