I, Even I, Am He That Comforteth You

7 months ago

The LORD God of Heaven is the comforter of those that know Jesus Christ as their Saviour. And He is a comforter that is above all who are in this world yesterday, today and in the future.
During Isaiah’s time, the country of Assyria was the most powerful nation around. They conquered the northern kingdom of Israel and had laid siege to Jerusalem. When Assyria defeated an enemy, they would move the people of that land to another country. They might be allowed to carry a few possessions, they might be able to leave with the clothes on their back, or they may be led away stark naked. They would be sent far away from their homeland to live among people that would hate them. In the midst of all this pain and torment, the Israelites are reminded that God is the One that can comfort them and help them.

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