Robert Oulds & Marry Ellen ~ Connecting the Dots

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Robert Oulds heads up the Bruges Group, the think tank that headed up the movement for the UK to leave the EU.
The Bruges Group is an independent all-party think tank. Set up in 1989, its founding purpose was to resist the encroachments of the European Union on our democratic self-government.

Marry Ellen - Co-Authored book with Larry Nichols (28 years to nowhere)
-Larry Nichols went from a Bill Clinton staffer in the Arkansas governor's office to a Clinton enemy, leading to a long but ultimately successful journey of 28 years taking down the Clintons. Nichols worked under the Arkansas Development Finance Authority, a creation of Clinton that Nichols says was actually "a place to funnel money into Clinton's campaigns" and help his friends.

Nichols discovered the ADFA was being used to launder money in an operation that brought $100 MILLION OF COCAINE a month from Nicaragua
to Mena, Arkansas. Nichols confronted Clinton about it when he found out, fearing he would take the fall when the operation was discovered. The result was that Clinton tried to frame and defame Nichols himself. Nichols swore he would take down the Clintons and did so by following a divine message: "Tell the truth about the Clintons; tell the truth about yourself." Nichols describes a few of the mysterious deaths incurred by Clinton opponents, how the Clinton camp intimidated and smeared opponents in his path in Washington and used the media to discredit opponents.

He also describes how he exposed Clinton's affairs and got impeachment proceedings against him. His efforts were renewed in earnest after Hillary Clinton ran for president--something he says he knew to be her plan while Bill was still in office.

Nichols describes himself as a breaker of all Ten Commandments yet experienced an unlikely journey of faith where his motivations of revenge became outweighed by his desire to save America from being sold
out the way Arkansas was.

Nichols ends the book by appealing to Americans to support President Trump and disbelieve mainstream media.

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