Sharing Trump’s 14th Home Creaming Pt 4 (311 FUKUSHIMA)

7 months ago

How Jews planned to capture Palestine in 1922


Every war America behind with Jews


Israel is Destroying America (But Not How You Think)

"If they’re Black, then it’s a gang. If they’re Italian, it’s a mob. But if they’re Jewish, it’s a coincidence and you should never speak about it." - Dave Chapelle



7 December 2019

I saw Yitshak Rabin

My Journey was never about Palestine

My Endless Struggle to Uplift World Harmony Day

Dear World Leaders,

I need to expose the evilness of Zionism with the hope that all of you can join my hand to wipe the ZIOPIGS off from the face of the world!!

My late mother Lim Soon Hing said in the 70s that once China rises the West will bomb China :( She said that the military is the might and not the rule of law so her greatest wish was for China to have the military might because she said that China had invented the gun power.

Before my mother passed away at age 94 I asked her what was going to happen to China and Russia because the West attacked them NON STOP:( My mother told me not to worry because China and Russia already prepared a long time ago for such a scenario.

My greatest wish is for all the world leaders to support China and Russia to bring peace and harmony to our world for the sake of our children's children then I Sunflower Chong Sun Wah will rest in peace. You see when I was young I made a vow to Almighty God that I will save the world and I must fulfil this commitment to HIM.

In 2012 I posted all the videos of Nostradamus and in one of the videos, he said that we can change the tide and can you believe it the evil Zionists deleted all the videos. So this means I must work even harder to make it happen and with all of your support sure WW3 is just a word!!

Nostradamus – The Man Who Saw Tomorrow


No Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide in Xinjiang but PALESTINE!!

Love, light, peace, harmony, and unity,

Sunflower Chong Sun Wah



The ZIOPIGS extorted US100 million from Japan but PM Kan refused so they NUKE Japan again without a blink :(

Journalist Says Israel Responsible For Fukushima Sabotage

“A factor that undoubtedly would have encouraged the Bush-Cheney White House to provide Japan with the means to secretly build nukes was the growing power of China. Cheney and Bush sought to arm Japan and India with nuclear weapons as a means of curbing China.”

Rotschild Zionism Is Responsible For Fukushima Sabotage!!

In one of Benjamin Fulford's videos, Satanyahu said that he will expose Fukushima but I Sunflower Chong Sun Wah preempts the Scumbag instead I am bringing the truth of FUKUSHIMA to your doorsteps.

3/11 was Japan’s 9/11. It’s all documented folks!

The evil Zionists blocked the above post so after finding the below post I am not posting it instead better share it directly with all of you so that at least you know what exactly happened in FUKUSHIMA.

3/11 was Japan’s 9/11. It’s all documented folks!

This article is very long so I bring out the important message of how Fukushima got nuke. This FUKUSHIMA post Rotschild Zionism Is Responsible For Fukushima Sabotage!! the evil Zionists kept blocking me from posting. They watch me 24/7 and on the other end they can control my computer.



Thank you for your hard work to get out the truth. I asked one individual directly if they could confirm the rumors that the Israelis were ready ahead of time with relief efforts, with 300 trucks, and if they could confirm the rumors that the Israelis controlled all relief efforts. She said he noticed a strong Israeli presence, enough to appear "very interesting", but could not confirm the other points Israelis - A big medical team came with lots of equipment and went to north. They left those equipment as a gift for evacuees. I thought it was very interesting, so I remembered it. But I didn't hear the 300 trucks story. This following comment confirms my three seismograms, which show two quake events to the north (which she felt) and one to the south, which she did not feel. This is pretty good proof that the quake was indeed not natural. All 3 peak readings were blamed on the same phony "epicenter" by the usgs. For reference, see the seismograms in the Fukushima report. The one- It lasted more than 5 minutes. I timed it, so it is not how I felt. According to the mass media, there were 3 big quakes happened at the same time. I felt at least 2 peaks. My response: The seismograms ran for six minutes. Six is a key elite number. I doubt it is a coincidence. Six is unrealistically long for a natural quake, regardless of magnitude. I can tell you that when I got on the plane to go to CA on the 18th...the ground at the airport was liquid...everything was moving. It took me four days in CA to recover my equilibrium. If that starts up again, I am OUTTA HERE....too creepy. BTW, there are clips on YouTube in which a local gaijin personality references conversation with a Japanese finance minister describes being threatened by the U.S. with earthquakes. I would not assume this is purely an Israeli job...though, Israel may be fronting it. There is the Iran question, but also, Japan has been making rapprochements toward China for several years. The Emperor is said to travel regularly to Beijing. I can think of LOTS of reasons the U.S. would not want a strong Sino/Japanese alliance. In truth, both countries are scared shitless about a U.S. default on debt. I can see why they would wish to consider how they might jointly respond to this. My friends and I bet as to who will blow Israel off the map, and the smart money says China. Now the story develops. Interesting stuff. "Blowing Israel off the map" would be counterproductive, because it is merely a sock puppet of the Rothchilds. Ignore the puppet - look towards the banking district in the City of London. I would bet Israeli behavior would be a LOT better if someone was not pulling their strings. My thanks to the people in Japan who sent me these mails, certainly there were more I never got. It blows me away to think such hard work would be done to stop the dissemination of a truth so essential


Confusion over how GIANT a 9.0 really is has helped the elite scammers enormously in their lie. There is simply no way much of anything will remain standing, yet as the tsunami rolls in . . . . . .And now, I will bite. This is what I did not want to publish, but I know it has to be true. Call this creative journalism, because I never called Netanyahu, but here is the most rational conclusion I can draw, based on all info gathered so far including the original not faked seismic data. I honestly believe Japan is being held a nuclear hostage. It all makes sense.


1. Japan offers to enrich uranium for Israel's GREAT SATAN, Iran1a. Updated information indicates that Japan was being held under threat to hand over trillions of yen to the World Bank, and refused. I now believe that this was the primary motivation behind why the quake was perpetrated and Fukushima was destroyed. The Zionists wanted to prove to Japan just how dirty they would be if Japan did not pay a ransom so high it would effectively enslave the Japanese people, and shortly after the disaster Japan suddenly announced a huge payment to the World Bank to “end world poverty”. Out of the blue. Good people they are, those Japanese, to destroy their economic future with such a voluntary action.

2.Immediately, Israel sets up front companies masquerading as security companies, and one of them succeeds in getting a security contract at a Japanese nuclear facility.

3. 4 months later the Dimona Dozen shows up, and under the cover of a security contract gets unlimited access to the heart of Fukushima. They plant the virus, install real cameras outside the facility, and functional poorly disguised nuke cameras inside the facility. In addition to this, they install an unauthorized data connection to allow control of all the guts of the facility via the virus. (They admitted to this connection, as discussed later on this page) 3. After installing Stuxnet and the nukes they scram

4. Israel waits for one of the many natural quakes in Japan to provide cover for a tsunami bomb, and they already have it at the bottom of the Japan Trench. VLF communications are established with the bomb to penetrate the water. David in Dimona gets seismic reading from Japan. 6.67 in progress, BOOM. (New evidence shows the quake most likely was not natural) Tsunami comes in, swamps stuxnet infected power plant, direct video feed from legitimate cameras security company installed gets to David via totally unauthorized channel, and David knows just when to cut the generators off. Others on the team do all they can to counteract measures taken by the employees at Fukushima, who are unaware an attack is taking place and do not understand why everything is going crazy

5. Israeli Prime Minister calls Japan, and says TAKE THAT for offering help to Iran,

And ya know, there are FIVE MORE NUKES in the ocean off the coast of Japan, and we are going to set those off and destroy your coastal cities if you do not forget that 6.67, and say it was a 9 to cover for tsunami effects. AND NOW we are going to make your people DEMAND you move away from nuclear power so you can NEVER threaten us like that again. We are BLOWING UP FUKUSHIMA DIIACHI and you are going to go along with whatever story we tell you to. SO THERE!!

6. David and his pals close ALL valves to the reactors via the remote data link they admitted to installing, and put them full throttle, to melt them down while the virus keeps control room readouts displaying false info, like nothing is going on even though the place is coming apart. After enough mayhem ensues to provide plausibility, they set off planted nukes and blow the place sky high. Though I have yet to work out the final details, I probably have enough to hang them because:

1. I got the real seismic data that proves beyond a doubt the quake is not what we were told and was in fact an inland 6.8, (calculated higher than the seismogram due to the triangulated true epicenter being a little higher) which would get noticed but not feared in quake ridden Japan.

2. Numerous referenced sources prove Stuxnet really was written by Israel

3.Japan really did offer to enrich Uranium for Iran, and really did refuse to do a huge banker bailout. Israel has been documented to have attempted to destroy a reactor in Iran, and probably did. Japan contributing to Iran's nuclear future would make them just as much an enemy to Israel as Iran, and not sucking up to a banker threat the way America did would cause the Zionists to slate an economy the size of Japan's for destruction. Israel would want them taken out. Now all the economic news coming out of Japan is over how bad their economy now is, when prior to the quake it was golden. No key manufacturing got destroyed by the quake, why suddenly POOF – economy down the toilet? It's because of the enormous debt Japan now must pay the bankers to “end world poverty.” Why would a nation do that with their economy in the tank anyway?

4. It is documented that a team from Israel, with a history consisting only of working in Israeli defense, got unlimited access to a Japanese nuclear facility, which then went boom

5. Reactor 4 had been defueled and proven disassembled, and therefore no explosion there was possible. What should have happened at reactor 4, if anything at all? The fuel pools should have melted down and caught fire once the water boiled off from lack of recirculation AT Worst, and badly contaminated the containment structure, NOTHING ELSE. NO explosions, NOTHING ELSE. Reactor 4 is building 7, PERIOD. Why did an explosion there happen that was so severe it blew the outer containment walls (4 feet thick) and inner containment walls that were much thicker? Reactor 4 is reportedly now in danger of falling over. HOW?

6. The Japanese government is going along with the story of a scientifically proven false 9.0. There is a reason, and my guess is that Israel has made threats to wipe out Japanese coastal cities with additional tsunamis if the government of Japan speaks a word of what went on, there should be no reason for Japan to go along with this other than a continued threat.

Is it not interesting this "quake" reportedly happened at the bottom of the Japan Trench, which does not produce significant earthquakes and would be perfect for hiding an atomic bomb blast? If detonated at the bottom of the Japan Trench, a nuke could create an empty underwater dome of completely displaced water six kilometers tall and twelve kilometers across without ever breaching the surface. That would produce an epic tsunami all the while surface effects remained for the most part hidden. With absolutely no significant quake damage in Sendai, a very large (megaton range) subsea nuclear detonation remains the best explanation for the tsunami. Is the Department of Homeland Security trying to keep American industries (and nuclear facilities in the dark about Stuxnet? After Fukushima fell victim to unwary operators, I would think such a conference would be a TOP priority here! The genie is out of the bottle. It is a fact that the writers of Stuxnet intend to use it. So cancelling a well-researched conference about the vulnerabilities of the Siemens SCADA system to Stuxnet in the name of "keeping hackers from getting info" seems to me like an effort to keep the threat alive. Ignore the fluff at the beginning, and read the "About Take Down Con" summary near the bottom so you know what they actually cancelled rather than settle for the no-panic fluff at the beginning. This is SERIOUS.

To give you an idea of how big the reactors at Fukushima were, take a look at the photo to the left. It's the top of the same make and model at Fukushima's American twin, TVA owned Brown's Ferry, and it is only the top. The yellow dome sits above this, and is even bigger. (here the yellow dome has been removed for refuelling). over 150 feet of reactor sits below that cap. Hydrogen will not vaporize that, which appears to be what happened to #3, only a nuclear weapon would. Reactors are about 14 digits beyond incapable of going supercritical even with a complete core meltdown. The reactors did not explode, something placed in their vicinity did.

Magna BSP had access to the reactors at this facility. They were based in Dimona, which is a military base that manufactures nuclear weapons. Stuxnet was made in their yard. They are stated to be a military company, and a key piece of their equipment was the same size, shape, weight, and appearance of a gun type nuclear weapon.

There is extremely strong evidence that Dimona based Magna BSP placed nuclear weapons at the exploded or vanished reactors at Fukushima, possibly hidden inside their unbelievably GIANT stereoscopic cameras. One of these cameras is verified to have been installed inside the inner containment of Fukushima reactor 3 under the cover of a security contract in the month prior to the disaster. These cameras are identical in size and appearance to gun type nuclear weapons.

Since previous hydrogen explosions at boiling water reactors have never caused any sort of damage to equipment or buildings, even during complete meltdowns, it begs the question how on earth one at reactor 3 produced a mushroom cloud. Three Mile Island sits in the evidence pool against what we have been told about Fukushima. History does matter.

One problem with the reporting in the mainstream media is that it failed to convey just how massive and strong the containment structures really were, as shown in the photos at the beginning of this report, as well as how huge the reactors really were, as shown in the following photo.



Jim Stone new website

Hello Patriots, this was what Jim Stone had written, "I got messed with while posting the following, so I know it is spot on. They locked up the browser while I was entering text, and that's the first time that has ever happened. I managed to save a portion of this by pasting a large section I had copied already into a text editor. If you ever wanted a lesson in how Jews take people out, this is it, right here.

Posted October 25, 2023
The enemy is inside my gates
The landlord started dating a Jew. He keeps her up all night listening to audio of a female voice from a speaker and is clearly brainwashing her the same way they got Claudia. Nice. How long until it all explodes? You guess.
Someone claiming to be a "JS" is doing interviews and "not running his web site" because he's in hiding after "trouble".
He's probably the new "boyfriend" of the landlord too.

For the record: I am not doing any interviews with anyone and have not done a single thing since Lahaina because old friends in intelligence confirmed Claudia has a cartel trying to cash me in. They broke off their activities since I posted about them being tracked (which probably surprised them) when they found out their fancy spyware got one upped but the NSA is the NSA after all and favors are favors. I broke my silence because of that stupid KIKE that showed up a few days ago.

Very belated post but I had no intentions of ever posting again, this work has run it's course and if people are not awake yet I can't help them. It also annoys me to see 500,000,000 views on videos of orbees in swimming pools and craptacular nothing views on issues that matter. It also annoys me to see Michael Baxter of Real Raw News get 3x the hits I do when I do everything possible to keep it real and Baxter openly stated to the MSM he publishes crap that sounds real, just to get a laugh when people post it as real. Come on now folks, Real Raw News is an admitted parody site that gets posted as legit. More than stuff that is legit. So why even bother with real strawberry when everyone wants the fake flavor?? Tired of it.

Anyway, Israel. Israel never got attacked by Palestine. This is all a setup to set the precedent for the building of the temple Satan will rule from and they have to make it happen. They just got tired of waiting, Al Aqusa has to go. Everyone says "the dome of the rock" has to go but "the dome of the rock" is nothing, the real spot the temple will be is a large and very boring looking mosque (totally unremarkable other than that it is large) called Al Aqusa that is within a stone's throw of the dome. Chances are the dome will still be there when the temple is built, catching the unaware off guard, expecting the temple Satan will rule from to still be built.

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