The military operations between China and Russia is to intimidate and threaten the U.S.

3 months ago

7/25/2024 [Aila on Stinchfield Tonight] Aila Wang: The only purpose of any kind of joint military exercises or military operations between China and Russia is to intimidate and threaten the United States. As long as Xi Jinping and the CCP are in power, we will see more and more aggressions from the CCP and Russia
#NFSC #Chinese≠CCP #TakedowntheCCP #CCP #XiJinping #Russia #Alaska
7/25/2024【小飞象作客Stinchfield Tonight节目】小飞象:中俄之间任何形式的联合军事演习或军事行动,其唯一目的就是恐吓和威胁美国。只要习近平和中共还当政,我们就会看到中共和俄罗斯越来越多的侵略行为。
#新中国联邦 #中共不等于中国人 #消灭中共 #中共 #习近平 #俄罗斯 #阿拉斯加

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