Al-Qaida attacks Wagner group

7 months ago

Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (al-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique, AQIM) claims a “complex ambush against the Wagner Group.” The official statement states that 50 Wagenrs were killed, and 10 soldiers of the Malian army were killed. There are already dozens of videos of evidence of both the battle itself and the situation after it. Including I counted 5 of our guys captured

In the video presented, a certain Emir Abdel Rahmae Zaza (he is in the center) takes responsibility for the attack. His name is not googled anywhere, and for the first time it “pops up” in this statement.

The group has no direct connection with al-Qaeda but is a fundamentalist Salafi terror squad operating near the Algerian border.
The group's leadership is entirely Algerian and the ordinary fighters are Tuaregs.
That is, this is precisely a jihadist group and is not directly related to the Tuareg separatist movements
This group has its own history, declines and growth in activity it is however considered the most dangerous in this region.

☝️ A very, very muddy story with the Wagner group’s raid on the border with Algeria. And, at the very least, it is strange that our “reliable” Algerian allies neither provided assistance nor warned us.

It is also characteristic that in the video one of the militants was seen carrying NATO weapons, in particular an FN FAL rifle of 7.62x51 mm caliber.
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