EU Preparing To Steal Your Stuff? [Closed Captions]

3 months ago

In this video, I discuss the proposed EU asset registry and problems that include:

1) Huge violation of privacy (shouldn't private property be private?)

2) Creates a giant honey pot for hackers (cf. the massive Equifax hack and recent AT&T data hack). Centralized databases of personal information always eventually get hacked and leaked to the dark web.

3) EU is dropping the mask and making it quite clear that it views its people as sheep to be shorn and harvested.

As the EU attempts to deal with its massive debt/GDP levels, high taxes, money printing, and outright confiscation will all be used.

Bitcoin as an exit from the fiat system will also be highly monitored and discouraged.

A similar surveillance and confiscation state is also coming to the US and the UK.

Will Trump come out in favor of digital IDs too? It wouldn't surprise me at all. All it would take is one big cyberattack or terrorist attack (real or false flag) to have every American sheeple begging for internet passports and a national digital ID.

Nietzsche was right:

"The government is the coldest of all cold monsters. . . Everything the government says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen."

Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor.


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