Karl Popper on Historicism and Determinism

7 months ago

TODAY IN PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY: Karl Popper on Historicism and Determinism

Sunday 28 July 2024 is the 122nd anniversary of the birth of Karl Popper (28 July 1902 - 17 September 1994), who was born in Vienna on this date in 1902.

Popper’s philosophy of history, expressed his The Open Society and Its Enemies in 1945 and The Poverty of Historicisim in 1957, can be understood as an application of his conception of knowledge, worked out in his philosophy of science, to history and the social sciences, which he equates as both being illicitly involved in a project of attempting to make historical predictions. Denying the possibility of prediction in history, Popper argued again historical determinism and inevitability.

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