Jonava - Where Darkness Dwells Enthroned

7 months ago

Behold, the Kingdom's approach
The kingdom everlasting
The two-edged sword is spoken
His glory filled our eyes

They drank from cups and gold
No want goes unsatisfied
A communion of idols
The gods well-fed in temples grand

Through the shadows a light breaks through
Beating begins, in hearts once dead

Behold, the Kingdom’s approach
The Kingdom everlasting
The two-edged sword is spoken
His glory filled our eyes

Rising from tombs and black
Our shackles revealed, our chains well-worn
A glory unfolding within our spirits
The light shines forth

The once silent is now resounding
And will forevermore

I know where you dwell
Where Satan made his throne
Hold fast My words
One day they’ll soon make war

He that hath an ear
Let him hear what the Spirit sayeth

I will
Give Him
A stone of white
And a new name

Though evil may make war
The Son will overcome
Endure you saints
Take hold His strength
His word will lead us on

To him who loves us
And has freed us from our sins
By His blood
And made us a kingdom
Dominion forever

Behold, the kingdom is here
The King who walks among us
The sword aloft and shining
His Glory everlasting!

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