COVID19 Lockdowns Led To Installing SMART 5G Tech & Vaccine DEATHS

7 months ago

This Video is a Memorial reminder and awareness of the History of Aotearoa New Zealand, a country Locked Down under seige, by Auckland University Research team & its Lead Researcher Helen Petousis-Harris. After they were bribed blackmailed by USA CDC UN-WEF-WHO mis-information Viral Flu Pandemic spread, Medical Science Lab leak concern. AUT Auckland Uni were paid $8million dollars to exploit NEW ZEALANDERS Health to 'Lead A Global Vaccine Monitoring surveillance plan Data collection'.
Featured, are a Report Record of Dear Souls in this Video - GONE TOO SOON.
Someone has lost a Mother,
someone lost a Friend, someone lost the Love of their Life,
someone lost a Father,
Someone lost a Brother or Sister or Cousin.
WE MUST HONOUR THE DEAD in this Crime Scene Case, of critical questions.
WHAT HAPPENED 2019-2023? Some obvious steps were:
1. Installing 5g Technologies unknown to NZers without public consent. Technology came from USA CDC Darpa-Pfizer-Diplomats that visited Jacinda Ardern.
2. The Covid19 Bio Security act 1993 to present & pandemic Emergency Respons Services enacted & all laws passed for Preparedness.
3. Auckland University Research group MONITORING DEATHS and injuries. What they spent $8million on? Security personel? Chemical Sanitisers disinfectants Sprays? Technology installed? Bonuses for compliance? Punishment for non-compliance? How much for personal profit? Wheres the money gone? Helen Petousis-Harris was a WHO member & Vaccinologist that should NEVER had been paid or appointed to monitoring NZers as guinea pig medical experiments.
4. What role did the police-NZDF-Navy-Airforce-GCSB intelligence play during the period 2019 to 2022? Were they separately contracted as UN-WEF-WHO-PHARMAC PFIZER gestapo Bio-Security? To Protect Who? The Wellington protests say eveything! Were protests used by AUT to target individuals rights to individual Freedom & Choices? How many protesters are now deceased? Using immigrant indian workforces to report NZers as they were shop SMART Cameras consigned & were a 'UN Human Developement Index' contract.
5. The blackmail bribery by ruthless arrogant politcians, media, medical & law society for this Commercial law contract law transaction was a Set Agenda of suspicion. The True deaths & injuries still hidden - BUT GOD KNOWS & CARES & HEARS. Over 200k complaints of adverse events injuries & deaths reported to Medsafe, numbers suddenly disappeared. This is EVIL and the UN-WHO-WEF Leaders clearly stated "REDUCE POPULATIONS" a great reset.
6. NUREMBERG TRIALS 2.0 is inevitable. This is court evidence for compensation - video footage
provided by NZDoctorsSOS.
I confirm the Maori Economy has been Rothchilds & rogue military run for 40years of lies & deceit by selfish arrogance.
God Defeend Aotearoa 10years ago:
All Rights Reserved

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