The Pocket Rumi - Song of the Reed (Yamsox Live Reading July 27th, 2024)

7 months ago

Rumi's Spiritual Wisdom: The Essence of Love in Poetry

Join us in this spiritual livestream clip where we explore the profound and timeless wisdom of Rumi, the renowned Persian Muslim Sufi mystic. Originally hosted on TikTok with a focus on Sanatana Dharma, this session includes a captivating reading from 'The Pocket Rumi,' a collection of Rumi’s most beloved poetry. Experience the divine power of love as we delve into Rumi's 'Song of the Reed' and ponder the essence of love that permeates his poetry. This clip also showcases a beautiful viewer-submitted song, celebrating the unity and spirituality that Rumi's works inspire across different traditions.

00:00:00 Rumi's Song of the Reed
00:02:11 Love's Divine Power in Poetry
00:03:34 The Essence of Love in Rumi's Poetry

#Rumi #SufiPoetry #SpiritualWisdom #DivineLove #SanatanaDharma #PoetryReading #MysticPoetry #SpiritualJourney

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