The 2024 Biden/Trump/Kamala/Obama Delusion. 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 KJB.

2 months ago

My right ear not my left. My bad. I get animated/excited in some of these videos and sometimes tongue tied and don't know my right from my left. My mind races and my mouth need to catch up. Lol. I write much better than I speak sometimes.

As long as the truth gets out there me being of in eloquent speech at times.

Barack Hussein Obama is:

The Son Of Perdition (two mentions, 1. Judas Iscariot, 2nd Obama)
That Man of Sin (1 mention)
That Antichrist Shall Come. 1 of 4 mentions of Antichrist. 1st John - 2nd John.

Counting Chapters. Rev 13:18. Ecclesiastes chapter 7 (read content) the 666th chapter of the Bible from Genesis chapter 1. Psalm 46 "Obama read at 9/11 memorial 2011. + 666 Chapters = Revelation chapter 22 THE END. Amazing.

Matthew chapter 1. vs 1.

+ 84 Chapters (Obama born 8.4)

= Matthew Chapter 17 (1st mention "The Son of Perdition") Judas Iscariot.

+ 19 Chapters + 61 Chapters (1961) Obama born.

= Galatians chapter 3.

+ 66 Chapters = 1st John (5 chapters). 1st of 4 mentions of Antichrist.
"That Antichrist shall come"

+ 6 Chapters (666) = 2nd John (1 chapter)
= 4th and Final mention of "Antichrist".

Matthew 1:1.

+ 84 Chapters = John chapter 17. The Son of Perdition. Obama born: 8.4

+ 106 Chapters (numbers 61) Obama born in "61" = 1961.

= 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2.

"That Man of Sin" (1 Mention) Barack Hussein Obama
The Son of Perdition (2nd mention) Barack Hussein Obama.

+ 48 chapters (Obama born August 4th = 4.8)

= 2nd John (1 Chapter) 4th and final mention of Antichrist.

And all the people said AMEN.

Case Closed, Mystery solved.

Carter, Reagan, Bushes, Clintons, Biden, Trump, Kamala,

All paved the way for Obama. Novus Ordo Seclorum.

Vs 9
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

Time to read, obey and Trust Jesus only:


Or that you find yourself NOT WRITTEN IN THE LAMBS BOOK OF LIFE on Judgement Day. When you stand before the Son of Man and give account.

Let's examine ourselves according to the Scriptures (especially the hard truths) while the breath of life is still within us.

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