A Generation of Desecration

6 months ago

We cannot say, concerning the 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony’s desecration by replacing the twelve disciples and the Lord Jesus with drag queens and a little child, in the sacred and holy scene of the Last Supper, that they know not what they do. They knew exactly what they are doing!!! We know exactly where they are going too...straight to the pit of hell unless they repent!

It is a fact, which needs no clarification. If humanity refuses to repent and make a course correction, if they insist on disregarding all warnings and insist in the same behaviors and corruptions against God, as though there is no point of no return, then, there is no way known to humankind that can alter our course and spare us from destroying humanity.

Only two choices are provided by God. One is through judgement and the rendering of our just recompense or turning to Jesus Christ who offers forgiveness and eternal life and repenting of the evil that we have adopted as normal and the good we have scorned.

Jesus Christ, Himself asked a pertinent question, when he asked his disciples, “Even so, when the Son of Man comes back, will he find this kind of undying faith on earth?” The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 18 verse 8.

I’m Dr. Steven Clark Bradley

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