Episode 67 B, Genesis 33

2 months ago

Part II of Jacob meets Esau
A glorious meeting! a joyous homecoming!
So, Jacob had been in Laban's (Mesopotamia), He was sent there by Issac to find a wife. Isaac did not want Jacob to marry a Canaanite woman. Jacob met Rebacca at a well, He then asked Laban for her hand in marriage.
Laban required Jacob to work 7 years for her dowry. After 7 years Laban switched girls and made Jacob marry Leah. So, Jacob worked another 7 years to get Rebacca.
Everything Jacob did was blessed, he prospered in everything he worked at. The other people were jealous, and poisoned his wells, filled them with sand, etc, etc.
So Jacob decided to leave rather than be harassed and having to keep arguing all of the time. On the way there a man acost Jacob in the night, they fight all night, Jacob is permanently injured. At sunrise, Jacob ask for rest. The man reveals himself as God and renames Jacob Isreal (contends with God).
So, He limped the rest of his life...
Jacob/Isreal is afraid of Esau as he was bringing 400 men, so Jake divided his tribe in half and sent 3 flocks ahead of him as gifts for Esau to show good intentions.
Esau receives the flock (sheep, goats, and cattle) and understands the gesture, he hurries to let Jake know he loves him and means him or his family no harm.
They hug and kiss and have an emotional reunion. Then Esau takes his men back home, he leaves some to help Jake. Jake was moving slower with women, children, and animals.
A great relief there was no fighting.
He set out for home, on the way, his scouts came back and Advised that Esau was coming out to intercept his tribe with 400 men.

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