Can America Police the World?

6 months ago

Do you remember the Cold War? Do you remember when it ended? What ever happened to the "giddy" optimists and their predictions of the "end of history"? Lets face it, with the collapse of the Iron Curtain in 1989 and the subsequent end of the Soviet Union a couple of years later, there were many in the west who were convinced that a time of universal peace and prosperity was on the horizon. Those rosey predictions simply have not proven out. On the morning of September 11, 2001, two hijacked jet liners flew into the twin towers in New York City. Even the Pentagon itself was attacked and set on fire. America responded by going to war, first with Afghanistan and later with Iraq. Our stated reasons involved wiping out the terrorists and spreading democracy. Things haven't gone the way that many had hoped. What comes next? As the World's lone superpower, can America really bend unresponsive nations to its will? Can America police the World?

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