Dark Side of Modern Warfare: Mind Control, EMF & Augmented Reality

4 months ago

RUMBLE EXCLUSIVE FIRST RELEASE: Presentation about the hideous nature of modern warfare against private citizens. The use of EMF Technology, Augmented Reality, Mind Control and Propaganda. The war for the mind. Human Rights Violations w/in the USA & Abroad. Citations/Sources listed below.


23 Remarks on Classification, The Hon. Lee Hamilton, Information Security Oversight Office, October 18, 2005. "At a time when the US intelligence community is under intense scrutiny in the aftermath of 9/11 and the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, we only increase public skepticism about our government by denying the public information."

24 See: Valerie Plame, the Richard Leiby, Spy Who Got Shoved Out Into the Cold, Washington Post, October 29, 2005; Page C01; Amended 2006 surveillance bill by Bush; The FBI and the Engineering of Consent, Noam Chomsky, From Public Eye Magazine, Volume One, Number Two; and Demian Bulwa, Oakland: Police spies chosen to lead war protest, San Francisco Chronicle, Friday, July 28, 2006.

25 See William E. Daugherty and Morris Janowitz, A Psychological Warfare Casebook, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1958. In particular, see Daugherty's article on "US Psychological Warfare Organizations in World War II," pp. 126-136.

26 For a current view of these kinds of operations and how they are outsourced see James Bamford’s article in the Rolling Stone, The Man Who Sold the War Meet John Rendon, Bush's General In The Propaganda War, November 17, 2005. For more information on CIA control of the media refer to Carl Bernstein, "The CIA and the Media"

https://irp.fas.org/offdocs/nsc-hst/index.html National Security Council [NSC]
Truman Administration [1947-1953]

©️ Wendy [Blank] 2024 Video, licensed images, placement is my own work.
Dialogue used for narration is my creative work.

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Video Editor: Openshot
Licensed clips: Invideo, iStoryboard, Pexels

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