A Chinese National Student Pleads Guilty to Taking Drone Footage of US Navy Ships

7 months ago

07/24/2024 WAVY TV 10: A Chinese national student named Fengyun Shi pleads guilty to taking drone footage of US Navy ships from Huntington Ingalls Industries Newport News Shipbuilding. The maximum penalty for the subset of charges of the Espionage Act that he violated would be about a year in prison.
#FengyunShi #NewportNewsShipbuilding #dronecapture #espionage #HamptonRoads
07/24/2024 WAVY TV 10:一名中国籍留学生Fengyun Shi承认在亨廷顿·英格尔斯工业的纽波特纽斯造船厂用无人机偷拍美军军舰。对于他所违反的《间谍法》部分条款,最高刑罚约为一年监禁。
#纽波特纽斯造船厂 #无人机偷拍 #间谍 #汉普顿罗兹

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