Debunking the Shockwave Myth: 50 BMG vs. Water Balloons

7 months ago

In this eye-opening video, Kudzu Arms takes on a popular myth: Can the shockwave of a .223 or 5.56 round cause damage without direct contact? We put this to the test by hanging water balloons in front of a target and even using a 50 BMG! Watch as we demonstrate that even the powerful 50 BMG round won't damage a water balloon, let alone cause brain damage. This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in firearm myths and facts.

Join the conversation and comment with any "gun myths" you've heard, and we might test them in our next video! Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more myth-busting content from Kudzu Arms.

#GunMyths, #FirearmFacts, #223vs556, #50CalTest, #KudzuArms, #Ballistics, #MythBusting, #GunSafety, #FirearmEducation, #ShootingSports, #GunCommunity, #SecondAmendment, #Firearms, #RifleTesting, #GunScience, #BalloonTest, #ShockwaveMyth, #GunDebunking, #AmmoTest, #GunExperiments #50BMG

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