Usama Dakdok on Surah 12 Yusuh Part I

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Revealing the Truth About Islam starts with the news on what Muslims are doing around the world. Next Usama begins in chapter 12 verse 73. Who are Joseph's brothers? Who is Joseph's special brother and why is he special? What was the penalty for lying? Why did Joseph the second in charge of all of Egypt behave like a servant in front of his brothers in the Qur'an? There are more questions from reading the Qur'an because there are very few details. What happens if the Qur'an has missing details that the Bible gets right? Does that mean the Qur'an is false?

Keywords: Revealing the Truth About Islam, The Straight Way of Grace Ministry, Qur'an, Koran, Yusuf, Joseph, Joseph's brothers, Egypt, News, News and views, Christian Apologetics, Jesus is God, Allah is Satan, Usama Dakdok, Kristie Johnson, Paul Sutliff

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