1984 is HERE!!!! Don't believe anything you THINK you've seen and heard....period.

6 months ago

1984 is here!!! They are attempting to rewrite history before your eyes. The Kamala SAVIOR is here if they can erase her history of actions and comments and a number of screw ups that devastated beautiful San Francisco and California as a prosecutor. The only people she prosecuted were 1529 black men for mere "possession" of marijuana. Meanwhile she admitted in an interview that she used it and gave that stupid laugh about it. A minister in California nicknamed het "Kamala..locks a lot of brothers up....Harris". She refused to prosecute cop killers as attorney general. She blocked evidence on 2 black men on death row and waited until they were executed to release the evidence. (Maybe ex boyfriends or they had some dirt on her? Open to a lot of speculation.). Her mentor Willie Brown urged Biden not to pick her as VP. She only won races in the "one party state" of California. First to drop out in the only nation wide vote she entered. She was too extreme then and is even more emboldened now. Obama and Jim Clyborne picked 2 "empty shells" in Biden and Harris to do their bidding because both of them were failing in the primaries. JILL and KAMALA covered Joes obvious dementia/cognitive decline for 4 years with the media and all the usual Obama suspects in valuable spots to help. I just heard a "talking head expert" on TV say that if Kamala is elected it will start WWIII. As an retired career Intelligence analyst I predict it or "something" big that is being planned by the axis of evil will happen before Biden and Harris leave office because the evil ones don't want to confront the "scrapyard dog" that is Trump who does what Teddy Roosevelt said to do....."talk softly but carry a big stick". This is the biggest scandal in US history. They are both bad and evil and i cant stand another Biden speech with his eyes wide open without blinking and drugged to high heaven. Article 25 him NOW if he cant run he sure as hell shouldn't be anywhere near the nuclear "football". 1984 is here they want you to ignore anything they said or did in the past like the biggest scandal in our history and it was visible to everyone. Who is really destroying our REPUBLIC? I think you know the answer. God Bless you and God bless the USA! I remain your humble servant.

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