The Plea: Living Sacrifice Series #1 based on Romans 12:1-2

3 months ago

There are few things we can “make” someone do, though there have been many who have tried. However, when they have tried and even if they had some success in forcing the other person to do something, the results are not always what they desired.
The same is true in our spiritual lives. We cannot force someone to make a spiritual decision. Sometimes though, we can, and must lead them, plead with them, encourage them, and even beg them to make the right spiritual decisions in their lives. Still, the decision has to come from their own heart and mind because if it is not their own, it has no true power in their lives
Today as Pastor Rick begins a new study in Romans 12, we will discover that Paul begins our text as he is writing to the Romans with, "The Plea."
This message was taped during the morning service on May 2, 2024, and edited for broadcast for the week of July 28, 2024. If you would like to contact us, please use the contact information given at the end of this video. Thank you.

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